
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2021


Chapter 57: A Cycle of Life and Death Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Naruto, Disney, Square Enix or Detective Comics. They rightfully belong to their respective owners. "Speech" 'Thoughts' Radio/TV "Headset/Flashback" -Scene Shift- Chapter 52: A Cycle of Life and Death How did Life begin? There can hardly be a bigger question to start out with, huh? For much of human history on this planet, almost everyone believed some variation of 'the gods did it'. And any other explanation was inconceivable from then on for centuries. For one example, there are those of the religious sorts as they're so closed minded to the scientific aspects on how this came to be. In Judeo-Christianity, believed the Earth has been around for at least several thousand years and that He created Adam, Lilith and Eve as the first forms of man. And in the Roman-Greek side of things, there were the different Ages based on metals with different methods on how the Tit